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Life groups will resume in September 2021

Life Groups run in six weekly sessions with 4 courses throughout the year. These are led by life group leaders in home settings and from the church building. These are small groups of 6-8 people meeting to build relationship with one another as well as grow in their faith through the study of the bible.

Why Life Groups?

God never intended us to “do life” alone and this why we believe life groups/home groups provide us an opportunity to share our journeys together, our joys, and our sorrows, with God at the centre loving us and changing us. A place to foster significant relationships, to connect with a smaller group of people where we can be known, encouraged, celebrated, inspired and challenged as we grow spiritually together.

What is a Life Group?

A life group is a small group! Between 3-10 people whom meet together for the purpose of mutual encouragement, study, prayer, practical support and fun. Life groups are a way in which discipleship can be practiced among fellow church members.
(Ephesians 4:15-16) Life groups are the perfect place to be with “One another”. The phrase “one another” is used over 50 times in the New Testament and is used to describe our relationship with other believers.

Life Group Excuses!

  • I’m too tired….Come unto me you who are weary and I will give you rest Matthew 11:28-30
  • I’m too busy/stressed….Martha, Martha, you are worried about so many things, but only one thing is needed Luke 10:41-42
  • I’m too wounded…..Confess your needs to one another and pray for healing James 5:16
  • I’m too good, smart, strong, spiritual….The Pharisee congratulated himself for being so righteous, but only the humble tax collector went home justified before God Luke 18:9-14
  • I’m too bad/weak, people don’t want to be my friend….All the members of the body are important 1 Corinthians 12:20-23
  • I’ve tried it before….Lord we have already fished all night to no avail, but at your command we will try again– and this time succeed Luke 5:4-8

We believe Life Groups provide us with opportunities to build quality relationships, as we to grow in relationship with Jesus and learn to know him more in our lives.

We believe these groups will help you understand more of Gods word and know Him more deeply as well as building relationships with one another.

To register your interest or to simply find out more please contact the church office on 01564 824863 or email

© 2024 New Life Church Centre. All Rights Reserved. New Life Elim, Elim Foursquare Gospel Alliance. Registered charity 251549 (England & Wales)