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Church Rota

Sunday Morning Refreshments Sunday 3rd March- Gina and Brenda Sunday 10th March- Bev and Nigel Sunday 17th March-Paul and Rachel Sunday 24th March-Patsy and Loretta Sunday 31st March- Malcolm B and John Communion Sunday 3rd March-Susan and Shirley Sunday 10th March- Paul and Simon Sunday 17th March-Angus and Lucy Sunday...

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Life Groups

Life groups launched this month with four groups running from 7.30-9pm on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings in four locations, Wythall, Headley Heath, Hollywood and Solihull Lodge. Our sessions will take a look at Galatians and is entitled ‘Freedom In Christ’. We will take time to unpack the sometimes complex arguments of Paul,...

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BCM Toy Appeal & Feed Brum

Thank you again to all of you who donated towards both of these appeals before Christmas. It was great that 5 of our church members was able to see first hand the need that is on the streets of Birmingham, working alongside the Feed Brum team handing out food as well as the clothing and toiletries we...

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A Glorious Year Of Opportunity

Well here we are again at the commencement of another year, but what a faithful God we have proved Him to be in this last year. Faithful is He that promised says the word of God, but also Jesus said I will never leave you or forsake you, why?…..because He is always faithful to His...

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New Life Baby & Toddler Group

We are looking forward to getting back to normality and will kick off the new year on Wednesday 9th January from 9.15-11.15am. We look forward to catching up with our regular parents and grandparents as well as welcoming and meeting new families in 2019.  

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Ark Project

Collections for the Ark Project commence this month and we plan to make delivery of all donations by the end of the month. A full list of items needed is in the foyer. Thank you to all of you who faithfully bring in items it is so appreciated and very much needed.

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