ROCK Solid
We are make some changes to our R.O.C.K Solid programme therefore R.O.C.K Solid will start back on Thursday 3rd October at 6pm. More information of our new programme will be in next months newsletter.
We are make some changes to our R.O.C.K Solid programme therefore R.O.C.K Solid will start back on Thursday 3rd October at 6pm. More information of our new programme will be in next months newsletter.
Starting back this week after half term for the last 7 weeks of the school year, wow! Doesn’t time fly when you’re having fun! In May we had Pretty Pictures join us to take portraits and we have continued to have a lovely group of parents, grandparents and carers attending. Its so...
We had great fun over the past learning the parables Jesus told, what they mean and what we can learn by them today. So far we have covered the The faithful servant/talents, the mustard seed, the Wise and Foolish men and the lost sheep. These simple parables have really challenged the children to give...
We have had a successful few weeks going out to the homeless of Birmingham, we have given out lots of donations as there seems to be a really high demand at the moment due to the lighter nights making it a lot busier. We have decided to start a new concept of...
Life Groups are back, meeting in 4 locations at 7pm, Mondays-Wythall, Tuesdays-Hollywood and Headley Heath and Wednesdays-Solihull Lodge. Over the next 7 weeks we will take a look at a new series called ‘Fruit Of The Spirit- Growing more like Jesus’. we have space in all our groups so If you are not...
Join the international prayer movement, Thy kingdom Come from 30th May-9th June. Visit for more information and daily prayer resources. Over 65 denominations in 114 countries are praying for more people to come to know Jesus.
Thank you to every body who has donated so faithfully to The Ark Project over the past 4 years. All donations collected will be delivered this month. After careful consideration and in the light of us launching our own homeless outreach we have made the decision to focus our donations now towards ‘In Their Shoes’. Going out fortnightly requires...
We’ve had a lovely month seeing 8 new moms and babies/ toddlers join us, so the baby area is full again and they are all very complimentary about us which is lovely to hear. Please pray that we can build good relationships with these families and be a blessing and support to them. Thank you Jan & Loretta for your continued support I...
We have had lots of fun and enjoyed our evenings with the R.O.C.K Solid kids. We have looked at themes of generosity, compassion and honesty and will continue this month with humility and kindness. Generosity gave us the opportunity to share about the homeless in our own City Birmingham, resulting in the children bringing in items for our ‘In...
The prayer room is available from 9.30am on Sunday mornings, we would love to see more faces joining with us in prayer before the morning gathering. It’s a time to focus our hearts and thoughts and prayer for the mornings service, our church and people. If you are not confident in praying then you...