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COVID-19 Important Information

Due to the Coronavirus, our Sunday service’s will be held just for 1 hour from 10:30am and will be Covid compliant. All guests are to wear masks at all times (unless you are exempt) and prompted to use the provided hand sanitiser upon entry to the building. A member of...

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In their shoes – Update

Hi everyone  As you are aware we started back out with In their shoes in October after a break for the summer. We have been very busy indeed handing out lots of food, drinks, toiletries and warm clothing.  We do have lots of clothing and warm clothes so thank you...

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Christmas ‘Messy Church’

On Sunday 1st December at 2pm it’s Christmas ‘Messy Church’ and we need your help. We expect this event to be well attended and therefore we need to ensure all activities are supervised. Please let Rachel know if you can help, it is a great community event that promotes the...

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Baby & Toddler Group!

A great month for us at Baby & Toddler group! Good numbers, great feedback, more new faces and new ones now becoming regulars!  We have enjoyed making various crafts and the week before half term pretty pictures joined us to capture some beautiful shots. We’ve enjoyed a weeks break but...

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R.O.C.K Solid Update

We’ve had a great start back this term and welcomed 3 new children to R.O.C.K Solid over he past month. Our theme was ‘Helpers’, we looked at what the bible says about being a helper and how we can help and serve others. The example we have in the story...

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Christmas @NLCC

Can you believe we are in November and Christmas is just next month, yes thats right next month. We have lots going on in December so be sure to check out all our Christmas events and think about who you can invite. On Sunday 1st December at 2pm it’s Christmas...

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Christmas Homeless Gift Bag Appeal!

We will be going out on the 18th of December for a special gift giving evening to the homeless of Birmingham city centre. If you wish to donate a gift bag with items from the list below please get in touch and we will forward on to you the different...

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Life Groups

Following the summer break we are excited to announce the dates of our autumn life group series. Life group will commence w/c 14th October. We will be taking a look at a series entitled ‘Faith In Action’ and studying the book of James. This letter to the scattered Church is...

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New Life Baby & Toddler Group

After enjoying a lovely summer break we are looking forward to opening our doors again on Wednesday 11th September and welcoming back our regulars as well as hopefully seeing some new faces too! We always lose a few children who are moving on to school so please pray for growth...

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In Their Shoes

Hello all, Hope you all have had a lovely summer. As you are aware we haven’t been out over the summer period due to people being away which would affect our team numbers. So in order for us to ensure the safety of our team we took a break.The good...

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