Pastor Tom & Lauren Skelton
Associate Leader Rachel Langley
Rachel has served in the church since 1995 and was appointed associate Leader in 2018. Rachel manages the church administration as well as being involved in most areas of church ministry. Rachel is Married to Paul and they have two daughters Beth and Liv.
Elder Ken Brooke
Ken has served faithfully as and Elder for many years. As well as a passion to share the word of God, Ken plays bass guitar in the worship band. Now retired Ken enjoys fishing and retreating to his caravan in Malvern.
Elder Tim Williams
Tim is an ordained Elim Ministry and currently working as a full time Primary School Teacher. He is married to Becky and has three children.
Youth Leanne Russell
Having been brought up in the church Leanne has always been involved in all areas of church ministry. Leanne currently overseas the running of our weekly baby and toddler group, Leanne is married to Alan and they have two children, Lydia and Noah. Leanne is a self employed accountant and is also the church finance officer.
Technical & Media Alan Russell
Alan joined the church in 1995 and serves in the worship team and is responsible for all technical and media needs. Alan is married to Leanne and works as an IT Systems Development Manager.