The God of the problem not just the answer
Sometimes our faith is tested and we go through times of trial. We are tested and
live with the ache of pain in the course of our days. It is at times like these we can
make the mistake of being so fixated on the answer out of the problem that it
monopolises our conversation with God. Its all we ever pray about, if we do pray,
and sucks all our energy just by being there.
But what if God wants to meet us in the midst of the problem? What if there are
facets to His character that we can encounter no other way than in the midst of the
suffering? Lamentations – an entire book devoted to navigating exactly this season
of life – and the majority of the Psalms show that we need to be honest with God.
Pour out your heart so that He can come and meet you in the mess. In the midst of
pouring out his heart Jeremiah says – after he expresses how he feels – he learns,
Lam. 3:22 The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases, his mercies never come to an end;
Lam. 3:23 they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.
Lam. 3:24 “The LORD is my portion,” says my soul, “therefore I will hope in him.”
May we have the bravery to pour out what we really think to God, so that we can dig
deep enough to find treasure like this for ourselves.