Thank you to every body who has donated so faithfully to The Ark Project over the past 4 years. All donations collected will be delivered this month. After careful consideration and in the light of us launching our own homeless outreach we have made the decision to focus our donations now towards ‘In Their Shoes’. Going out fortnightly requires ongoing donations so this is
where we are going to focus our resources as a church.
A collection box will be available in the foyer to place your donations and will be sorted and packed ready for heading out into Birmingham on Wednesday mornings. A full list of the items we need is available in the foyer or see the enclosed flyer for more details.
The Lets Feed Brum are low on food donations with the loss of their storage so things like chocolate bars, crisps, drink cartons, cans of pop along with hot drinks of tea and hot chocolate are much needed.
There are a number of charities that we see regularly when out that help with food and drinks but there is a real need and it is shocking to see so many men and woman on our Birmingham streets.
While being out we have seen the need they have for toiletries and clothing and this is where we feel we can really help.
In their shoes now have a facebook page and crowd funding page to help raise funds to purchase items not commonly donated.
For more information please speak to Becky.